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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Home Not Selling In Today's Hot Market? Tips and Ideas to Help You Sell

So, your selling your home. Prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the agony of the endless phone calls and interruptions to your daily schedule. But more importantly, prepare your home for the ever critical eye of each person walking through the door. For it is not their goal to see the good in your home, but to see each and every flaw that has ever been. What can you do as a seller to minimize these flaws and highlight your homes best features? Let's take a look at several reasons why your home may not be selling and some easy-to-do remedies.

Reason #1 - Curb Appeal. Stand across the street and critically evaluate your front yard. Is it weed free? What about the "For Sale" sign? Is it easily visible from the street with current information? Do you have flyers available? Seems small, but this is actually a "biggie".

Reason #2 - Clutter. From the front yard to the back gate, get rid of everything that takes up space (everything that you can live without). You're moving into your new home (soon), so why not start packing now? Home buyers are looking for cabinets, closets and kitchen space. Home sellers need to reduce, reduce, reduce!

Reason #3 - Clean. How long has it been since you had a professional cleaning service do the job right? Having the property cleaned by someone who is not emotionally attached to the property is the only way to go. Not only do they see things that you don't, they're especially detailed oriented in cleaning the home.

Reason #4 - Color. "Real Estate Beige" comes in many different shades these days, but whatever shade of neutral you decide to go with, make sure it is properly applied. If painting over dark colors, be sure to use a primer. Hiring quality contracts to paint for you is worth the money. Walls in good condition are important, but so are walls that buyers can see.

Reason #5 - Compromise. Pick challenges with your children based on what is truly important. The kids room need to be organized, but it's more important that the dirty clothes are out of sight.

Reason #6 - Creativity. Setting matching accessories together and displaying nice towels are not labor intensive or expensive. It's using what you alreayd own to highlight the home.

Reason #7 - Consistency. Make sure the home is prepared daily for buyers. Put wet towels in the dryer during the day (running the dryer before heading off to work). Dirty clothes need to be picked up and put in the laundry basket. Used dishes should also be put in the dishwasher each morning. Remember, people will recall what they saw, more than what they didn't see.

Reason #8 - Check Your Senses. How do the house smell? (Cinnamon? Vanilla? Wet dog?) What do you hear? (Leaky faucets? Soft music?) What's the first thing you see when you open the door? (Nice entry, clean floors? Walls with cracks? Stained carpet?)

Remember, buyers will make their decision within the first few seconds of driving up to your house. It is your responsibility to give them an invitation to come in!


Getting Hearts and Hands Ready for the Holidays

"At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year." -Thomas Tusser

OK. Thanksgiving was wonderful, visiting with family and sharingfun stories and adventures; laughing around the dining roomtable, enjoying favorite stuffing and pies; watching parades andfootball games; and counting your many blessings.

It is now time to turn our attention to the many preparations for Christmas. Coming from a Christian perspective, I can speak for the anticipation which we all feel to celebrate the birth of the Christ-child. It brings us wonder each and every year, and the time and energy we put into its celebration never wanes. As I watch my Jewish friends prepare for Hanukkah, I sense, too, the joy with which they prepare celebrations with loved ones.

The gift of sacrificial love is the true essence of Christmas.

Teaching your children to give generously and to give cheerfullymodels the life of Christ. Our God, who created each one of uswith more love than we can imagine, desires this same outpouringof love to others, and it is at Christmas that we likewise shareour love through gift-giving and through acts of generosity andhospitality. We are buoyed by the "Christmas spirit" because itis through giving--rather than receiving--that we receive themost joy. Pausing to think about others, about their needs anddesires, and extending yourselves to their benefit, brings deepinner satisfaction not found any other way.

Have you made your list of those people with whom you want toshare the Christmas spirit?

Consider giving small, inexpensive gifts to a large list, rather than more extravagant gifts to a very few loved ones.

When Ithink of the model of giving I want to pattern for my own family, I cannot exclude from the list those folks who cross my path on a daily basis--in one way or another--who may or may not have yet reached into close friendship with me. And so I am always thoughtful for small yet kind ways in which I might extend generosity.

Extend your circle of concern.

Think not only of what members of your own family would appreciate at Christmas. Think of cousins and aunts and uncles, and of closest friends. And don't stop there. Extend your circle. Think of your mail carrier, pet groomer, your pediatrician's office staff, the folks at your gym, your neighbors, friends of your children, office workers at youor your spouse's place of work, your manicurist, thelandscaper....think through the flow of your typical week andthose people who enter your life on a regular basis. If they areserving you in some capacity, isn't it kind to remember them now?

Many people refrain from practicing generosity to those outsidetheir small circle of concern because of the lack of money withwhich to do so. But inexpensive gifts can be handmade for pennies if we will only stretch our imaginations and put our hands--and those of our children--to good use.

Look to nature and to materials right outside your front door

Free for the asking and the picking: a fresh bouquet of greens--evergreens, magnolia leaves, and berries, tied with a gorgeoussilk ribbon--would be cherished by any receiver.

Tiny bird nest ornaments fashioned from Spanish moss, filled with speckled beans and a silk butterfly, and with a wooden clothespin glued from underneath, make delightful gifts for children and adults alike. My own tree is filled with them.

Collect pinecones and make an arrangement with them. Yourthoughtfulness will be appreciated and it will have cost nothingmore than a walk in the woods.

Homemade candies or cookies wrapped in inexpensive cellophanebags look elegant tied with ribbon and make perfect gifts forvirtually anyone on your list.

Miniature baskets filled with one tiny, simple gift, are perfect for your children's friends.

Remember: children love exaggeration; anything diminutive (or enormous!) appeals to their sense of wonder.

Homemade "snow globes" make our list every single year

Simply use a baby food or other small jar and fill it with water and a small bit of glycerin (found at your local drug store) and white glitter; add a few plastic toys--Legos, Barbie doll shoes, jacks and balls, plastic bugs--and then squeeze a think line of silicone sealant around the lid before screwing it on to prevent leakage.

Homemade glycerin soaps filled with tiny plastic toys areadorable

They'll delight your children as well, for they'll have created happy memories making them with you for all of their friends.

Consider making homemade wrapping paper or handmade gift tags.

I buy inexpensive tags at office supply stores by the hundreds.They cost about a penny apiece. I also use twine instead ofexpensive ribbon. One bolt lasts several years and costs a couple of dollars.

And mail those out-of-state gifts early to avoid long lines atthe post office as well as the extra expense of priority mail.

Model a generous Christmas and throughout the year.Give faithfully and give cheerfully. You will be blessedbeyond measure.

Fa Cup Third Round Oppose Premiership

Of Brothers, Power and Genes

Its ended now, hopefully, but until a while ago they were squabbling - like dogs? Children? Enemies? Or what?

What makes a brother fight brother, I wonder! What makes one brother treat another like the biggest of enemies?

If at all there is anyone in the world who can truly understand one, it is a brother or a childhood friendand, yes, a sister in the case of a girl, with exceptions, of course! Yet, brothers fight brothers and have been doing so for centuries. Some have gone to the extent of exiling their brothers or even stopping them short with a well-directed knife in the heart, from behind!

I know, there are theories of all sorts sibling rivalry et al. But, is that all? I mean, even when the brothers are not kids any more and therefore, are not really fighting for their parents love (what with many of them having already departed for their unearthly abodes and so on), they keep at it. And, sometimes, they fight over trifles. Mostly over inheritance rights, even when there is more than they can use in a lifetime or seven. Everyone saw the recent bigfight on TV, newspapers etc. The inheritance in question was a mindnumbing sum running into tens of thousands of crores. If one of them had agreed to even a mere one percent of the sum in question, he would have had enough to last many lifetimes except, of course, that the one with 99% would have all the power and the one with 1% very little - in comparison. So, I guess, its all about power.

Yes, power that is the one thing all men (or shall I say, most) desire most. Power means wealth, influence, the ability to spread ones genes far and wide, just as the crafty Chenghiz Khan did some hundred years ago (I forget the actual dates). Yes, he was powerful, wealthy, conquered and controlled large territories and most importantly, sowed his oats with wild abandon, becoming in the process, the most successful man ever in the spread-my-genes-far-and-wide stakes.

I wonder, how many brothers today who squabble with their kin and stab them in the back and front, have the balls to do what Chenghiz did. If they cant do so, their best bet would be to let their brothers, with a similar gene pool, continue to prosper and do well and spread their collective genes.

Boy! I have come a long way from brotherhood to fatherhood! I think I ought to stop this rambling right here, before my brother reads this and gets a peek into my mind, claiming all my share of paternal property (or at least, 99%of it).

Is it better to take less and live happily or is it better to fight over the smallest crumbs and spend ones life paying lawyers, picnicking in courts and filing false accusations against each other? I wonder!

Short Sided Round Robin Format For

League Two Betting Review - 26 February 2006

A late strike from Simon Hackney kept Carlisle United at the top of League Two. An own goal from Derek Holmes gave hosts Barnet the lead after 53 minutes but Michael Bridges restored parity just 20 seconds later. Hackney netted the winner for the 13/10 Cumbrians with 15 minutes remaining.

Wycombe Wanderers remained level on points with Carlisle after a 2-1 win against Oxford United. Kevin Besty after 17 minutes and veteran Tommy Mooney on the hour secured the points for the 4/6 Chairboys while Yemi Odubades goal after 72 minutes was just a consolation for the Us.

Northampton Town consolidated third place in the league with a hard-fought win over Wrexham at the Racecourse Ground. The 7/4 Cobblers struck a decisive winners through Ryan Gilligan after 68 minutes.

Grimsby Town kept up the pressure on the top three and condemned Mark Wright to a losing start as Chester City manager. Gary Jones goal three minutes before the break was enough to secure all three points for the 8/13 Mariners.

Leyton Orient continued their promotion push with a narrow victory against Darlington. Shane Tudors goal after 13 minutes proved decisive for 4/5 Orient.

A Richard Hope own goal after two minutes gifted Bury a precious 10/3 victory at Shrewsbury Town, their first win since January 14 which sees the Shakers three points clear of relegation.

Drewe Broughton handed Rushden & Diamonds a relegation lifeline with a winning goal against Macclesfield Town nine minutes from time. Diamonds had two goals disallowed but Broughtons counted to earn a vital 6/4 win.

Stockport County failed to edge further away from the drop zone after slipping to a 1-0 defeat at home to Stockport County. Julian Joachims header after 67 minutes for the 11/5 Pilgrims proved decisive.

Mansfield Town sent Torquay United to the bottom of the league with a 2-0 win at Plainmoor. On loan Sheffield Wednesday striker Danny Reet broke the deadlock after 11 minutes and Simon Brown secured a 19/10 victory with seven minutes remaining.


Selling Your Home? A Warning About Attachments

Before you list you home for sale, determine what you don't want to leave behind.

Our friends sold their home for full price and moved out a few days before closing.

The next day they received an angry call from the selling agent telling them that they had to bring a mirror back before the sale would close. When the home buyers did their final walk through, they refused to make their down payment because a large mirror had been taken down.

This mirror, an antique family heirloom, was never considered by the sellers as part of the sale. The seller refused to give her grandmother's mirror back.

However, their sales contract, a standard Home Purchase Contract with Terms and Conditions, included all attachments. The mirror was considered by the buyers and their agent as part of the sale. The mirror did not hang like a painting on a nail. The heavy mirror had been screwed into the wall with the screw heads covered with fancy wooden circles cut to match the wood frame.

The buyers refused to budge. Our friends refused to budge protesting that their listing agent knew the mirror had belonged to the seller's grandmother. (Their agent was a family member.) The sellers pointed out that their agent should have told them that the mirror was considered "attached." After three days of quibbling and negotiations, the listing agent agreed to forfeit $3,000 of her commission and the sellers dropped the price by $2,000.

Decide what goes to your next home and what you agree to leave behind, before you offer your home for sale. Take down any attachments that you don't want to part with, such as any item screwed into a wall or a light fixture permanently wired. What a home buyer doesn't see, they won't expect to buy with your home.

Copyright 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.


FIFA World Cup 2006 England Glory - 1966 / 2006

It surely has a nice ring to it and would be a dream come true for the plethora of England fans who have never yet witnessed the creator of the beautiful game bring home the goods.

Although England have a pretty favourable group, with Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago, and the dreaded Sweden; they will come through the group stages to the finals and then, with a bit of luck, stomp all over the opposition with verve and tenacity; if Wayne Rooney keeps his head that is.

As well as being a serious contender for the coveted Golden Boot Award, if England do indeed progress, Wayne Rooney is the key to Englands success in World Cup 2006 and the rest of the team and world know it. The guy is a physiological freak in terms of the sheer power and depth of attack in his possession and will simply rip through the best defences that any of the worlds toughest may throw his way. He already proved this in Euro 2004, Portugal, where he was a constant worry for the opposition and, of course, does so every week at Old Trafford.

Wayne Rooney is simply one man, though, and cannot do the job alone; he will need pace man magician Michael Owen at his very best, Beckham curling em in sweetly from the right, Frank Lampard bulldozing through the middle and Mr Sven Goran Eriksson not doing his usual trick of messing with formations and pulling off players at the wrong moment. In fact, England hasnt had such a brilliant compilation of players in years; its whether they can gel at the right time and do what the England rugby lads did in 2003.

One thing is certain though and perhaps will never change; anyone and everyone faced with England, ups their game rate by a noticeable margin. It seems that everyone wants to beat the Auld Enemy; hardly surprising beings as the country with the once largest of empires has, at one time or another, trounced on or been instrumental in shaping the modern world as we know it. It seems logical that someone would want to get their own back by beating the national football team.

Many of the England naysayers believe that the England team lacks the personality and passion to bring home the cup. Although a personality is great for the cameras, the one ingredient that is surely more important is playing the game of football and scoring goals, and with the current England line up we have the best chance since 1966. Roll on World Cup 2006


Helping Your Kids Handle Divorce

Every year over one million parents have to talk to their kids about divorce. For each parent, the discussions differ, but the goals of the discussions are universal: to openly and honestly reassure your child of your love.

Divorce is painful and traumatic for all involved spouses and children alike. We all happily begin our lives together full of shared hopes and dreams and committed to a lasting and loving relationship. Yet almost 50 % of todays marriages end in divorce. How parents handle divorce, however, makes the difference in their children's healthy adjustment or potential maladjustment.

Heres an example of how to begin talking to your child about your divorce.

Lets meet Brad: Brad is 9 years old and an only child. Hes the apple of his mothers eye and dads best buddy. Brad is at the top of his class in school and participates in the school band and in the spelling bee. Hes also an active athlete playing intramural hockey and soccer, and running competitively. Both of his parents attend all of his sports and school activities.

One day to his surprise Dad takes him out after a soccer game and tells him "I have something sad to tell you. Mom and I are having a hard time, and you may have noticed something wasn't right between us, and you are right. Were going to live in different houses and youll be spending some of the week with me and some with your Mom. I know this will be difficult for all of us. So we should talk about it openly together and about what we're both feeling."Discussing divorce with your children is never easy. Here are some tips to help ease this transition.

1. Communicate with your spouse (partner): Although things have not worked out in the marriage, the two of you still have children to raise together. Be sure you both are in agreement as to the timeline of the change and give your children clear dates and details. The more solid the plan, the less anxiety your child will experience.

2. Use age appropriate language and details: A five-year-old and ten-year-old understand very different things and have different levels of maturity. Follow their questioning before offering details. Be honest, but remember what is appropriate for the age of the child or they will not comprehend the situation.

3. Reassurance: Reassure them that they will continue to be loved and cared for by the two of you. Let your children know that your love for one another has changed, but that your love for them remains strong and constant. Reiterate that the divorce is not their fault.

4. Discretion: Make an agreement with your spouse to not speak badly about the other spouse to the children. Refrain from arguing in front of the children and do your best to keep them out of your conflict!

5. Know yourself: Be aware of your own feelings of hurt or anger. Do not make a child a confidant for the pain the divorce is causing you. Seek a support group to help you through this period. Share your feelings with friends and professionals. Children are not therapists!

Always remember: Strive to be communicative and honest during and after the divorce process because there will be different degrees of feelings over the event as time goes on. If you're communicating honestly, however, you can never hurt your child.


League One Betting Review - 26 February 2006

Huddersfield Town edged into the second automatic promotion spot after earning a draw against fellow promotion chasers Swansea City. Lee Trundle and Leon Britton fired the Swans into a 2-0 lead by half-time before late goals from Martin McIntosh and David Graham secured a draw at odds of 9/4.

Southend United missed the chance to stretch their lead at the top of League One as Walsall, under new boss Kevan Broadhurst, held them to a goalless draw. Shrimpers captain Spencer Prior went off injured after five minutes as the two sides played out an 11/4 stalemate.

Following last weekends FA Cup glamour tie against Chelsea, Colchester United were brought back down to earth with a bump against Barnsley. Tykes midfielder Brian Howard scored the only goal of the game after 72 minutes to seal a 13/10 home win.

Brentford suffered a rare home defeat at the hands of 4/1 outsiders Port Vale. A long range effort from Jeff Smith nine minutes before the break was enough to keep the Valiants slender play-off hopes alive.

Play-off hopefuls Oldham Athletic secured a narrow 20/21 win against Tranmere Rovers at Boundary Park. Richie Wellens struck the decisive goal 10 minutes before half time.

Nottingham Forest were the safest bet of the day by crushing Swindon Town 7-1 at the City Ground. Nicky Southall broke the deadlock for 8/11 Forest after three minutes before Wes Morgan and Iain Breckin added further goals before the break. Southall completed his hat-trick with goals after 51 and 55 minutes before Morgan and Lester completed the rout. Trevor Benjamin gave the Robins some pride on 76.

Rotherham Uniteds survival hopes took a turn for the worse as they crashed 4-0 at home against Chesterfield. Three goals in a nine minute spell for Glynn Hurst just before half time and David Niven and Mark Allott early in the second period ended the Millers mini revival. Jamie OHara added a fourth for the 9/5 Spireites three minutes from time.

Rock-bottom Milton Keynes Dons sealed a precious victory at 13/8 against visitors Bradford City. Ben Harding opened the scoring for the Dons after 58 minutes but Steve Claridge ended a 17-match barren run six minutes later. A last gasp winner from Dean Lewington took the Dons to within four points from safety.


Premiership Betting Review - 5 February 2006

Alan Shearer broke Jackie Milburn's all-time Newcastle scoring record with his 201st goal in a vital 2-0 win over relegation strugglers Portsmouth. The Magpies were playing their first match under temporary manager Glenn Roeder and were 4/5 to win before kick off. An opener from Charles NZogbia and a second from Shearer gave Newcastle their first Premiership win in seven attempts.

In another personal goal scoring feat, Thierry Henry netted his 200th goal for Arsenal as the Gunners overcame their away day fragility to win 2-0 at Birmingham City. Arsene Wengers side had not won away since beating Charlton Athletic on Boxing Day and will have had plenty of support at 11/10 against bottom-three Birmingham. A debut goal for Emmanuel Adebayor and Henrys landmark strike was enough to keep Arsenal in fifth place.

Chelsea extended their lead at the top of the Premiership by 15 points after beating Liverpool 2-0 at Stamford Bridge. The rather generous 10/11 on offer of a home win will have had punters drooling and goals for William Gallas and Hernan Crespo secured the Blues 21st win in 24 league matches this season.

West Bromwich Albion did their relegation battle the power of good with a convincing 2-0 victory over Blackburn Rovers at The Hawthorns. The Baggies have won more home games than any of their rivals in the bottom seven and were an attractive proposition to punters at 19/10. Kevin Campbell marked his 36th birthday with a goal and Jonathan Greening secured the points after 32 minutes.

Meanwhile, Middlesbrough slipped closer to the relegation places when they succumbed 4-0 at home to Aston Villa. A Luke Moore hat-trick and one for former England striker Kevin Phillips secured victory at 21/10 and Middlesbrough, with just one win in their last 11 Premiership matches, can be backed at 9/2 for relegation.

West Ham United condemned Sunderland to their fifth defeat in six league matches with a 2-0 win at Upton Park. At 1/2, the Hammers will have been on many punters accumulators but it took until 81 minutes for Dean Ashton to break the deadlock and repay some of the 7.25 million invested in him.

On Sunday, Jermaine Defoe continued Tottenham's claims for a Champions League spot with a brace against former club Charlton Athletic. Despite never beating thr Addicks at home in the Premiership, Spurs were odds on at 4/5 before kick off. Two Defoe goals sandwiched Jermain Jenas strike while Jerome Thomas goal after 70 minutes was a mere consolation for Charlton.


Sports Betting Rules

Betting is done through Sportsbooks (US) or Bookmakers (UK) entities that accept bets. You can bet on the outcome of several sporting events, such as; Baseball betting, Basketball betting, Football betting, Tennis betting, Hockey betting, Snooker and Soccer betting games.

To place a sport bet, you go to a Sportsbook, physical or online. You could also bet over the phone with many sportsbooks. Note that a sports book or sportsbook is not the same as an oddsmaker. The sportsbook simply accepts sports bets. An oddsmaker is a person who sets the sports betting odds.

You need to state what you are betting on by making a selection, the type of bet and the amount you are wagering. Your selection will obviously depend on the odds offered, so you will want to examine the range of odds available before you make a decision. There are many types of bets you can place. Some sportsbooks may offer more betting varieties and combinations than others. Below is a list of the more common types of bets.

Straight bet or Single.

This is the simplest and most common bet. You bet on a winner at given odds.

Point Spread.

This bet lets you bet on a winner from two selections who have been made equal by allocating appropriate points to the underdog team. The Point Spread is the number of points allocated and is shown with a + sign for the favorite and a - sign for the underdog. The favorite has to win by more than the Point Spread for you to win; otherwise you lose your bet even if the team wins. Inversely, if you bet for the underdog, that team has to lose by less than the Point Spread for you to win. If the favorite wins by the exact Point Spread, then it is a push or a tie. You get your bet back. To eliminate a tie result, the oddsmakers sometimes include a half point spread. Since scores use full numbers only, one team has to win outright.

Buy Points.

Also, to buy Key Points. Move the Point Spread favorably at a price.

The Money line.

This establishes the odds for each team but inversely proportional to what would have been a Point Spread, and is indicated by a + for the underdog and a - sign for the favorite. Say team A is favorite and quoted at -180 and B is the underdog at + 120. The bets offered would be 10:18 odds-on for the favorite, and 12:10 for the underdog. For every $180 you bet on A you would win $100 or lose $180, but for every $100 you bet on B you would win $120 or lose $100.


A bet for the number of points scored in the game by both teams combined, including points scored in overtime.


A bet that the combined number of points scored by the two teams in the game will be Over or Under the total set by the oddsmaker.

Parlay or Accumulator.

A multiple bet. A kind of 'let-it-ride' bet. Making simultaneous selections on two or more games with the intent of pressing the winnings of the first win on the bet of the following game selected, and so on. All the selections made must win for you to win the parlay. If a game is a tie, postponed or cancelled, your parlay is automatically reduced by one selection; a double parlay becomes a straight bet, a triple parlay becomes a double. A parlay bet can yield huge dividends if won.


It is like a parlay, but with the option to add or subtract points (called 'moving the line') from one or more Spread bets. When betting a teaser additional points are either added to the underdog or subtracted from the favorite. The odds vary according to the number of points the spread is moved and the number of teams combined to form the teaser. As in the parlay, all selections must win for the teaser to win. Teasers odds are usually worse than the parlays.


A bet that allows the bettor to make a second wager, up to an equal amount, pending a win on the first selection.

Open Wager.

Open wagers allow the bettor to play teasers or parlays making a selection at different times and even different days.


A bet on a future event. At the start of each season, the sportsbooks give out odds for teams to win a certain championship. The odds change as the game date approaches and in most cases get shorter, but if you win you get paid at the original odds that you took. This is possibly one of the most profitable bets if you have considerable knowledge of the sport that you are betting on including the players, and a good sense of judgment.

Exotic Bets.

Betting on unusual events. Some sportsbooks post odds and take bets on a wide variety of other sports related events and activities. A few others will take bets on just about anything you can think of. Proposition Bet or Prop Bet.An offer of bets at odds and conditions chosen by the sportsbook, usually on 'Exotic' bets.


How to Get Prospects to Return Your Call

How effective are the messages that YOU leave for your prospects? Your prospects form an opinion about you and your company every time you contact them. In fact, the messages you leave on their voicemail or e-mail may be a determining factor in their decision to call you back and consider doing business with you. So make a good impression!

The Voicemail Message

Recently, I had the experience of shopping for a car. Unfortunately, I didnt have the pleasure of buying one. Although I knew the exact car I wanted and was ready to buy, not one car salesperson was willing to give me any personal attention.

To begin, I followed a get a quote tool that was available online and filled in exactly what I wanted in my next car: the type, the color, the features, and even additional comments. I couldnt have made it much easier for a car salesperson to sell me a car that I already knew I wanted.

With the five requests that I sent online to different car dealerships in my area, I received five phone calls within 12 hours of my request. All of them went directly to my voicemail.

Here is the basic script to four of the messages I received:

Hello, this is (insert name of salesperson) calling from (insert name of car dealership). Please call me back at (insert telephone number that I have yet to call).

BOOORING! And talk about impersonal! Did they even read my request? Do they even know what kind of car I am interested in?

When a prospect goes out of their way to contact you in regards to a sale, the last thing you want to do is leave them an impersonal or automated message!

Whats the purpose of a voicemail message?

There is only one objective to leaving a voicemail: get them to call you back. Be creative! Use humor! Show them you are different from the competition!

Distinguishing yourself from others DOES NOT mean telling your prospects how great and wonderful you and your company are. DONT tell them that your company is the biggest, the best, that it always puts the customer first, has a 99.6 percent customer satisfaction rate, was the first to do something, or how long youve been in business and how many awards your company has won. In fact, dont tell them ANYTHING remotely similar to anything on that list!

True Story: While attending college at Bowling Green State University I made a significant observation: all seven pizza companies in town printed voted #1 pizza in town right on their pizza box. Why? The same reason you tell your customers how great you arebecause you think people actually care.

How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?

Your prospects know what they like and what they want. They dont want to dance around with you or play games. They want to be treated like an important customer and not like the next sale towards quota.

So try leaving a message that is actually to the point. Try to sound like a human being and not a salesperson. Leave a message of value, where you tell your prospect something they might actually want to know. This will entice them to return your call. (Want more examples? Send a blank e-mail to

The e-mail message

After sending in my online quote requests for a car, I also received an automated e-mail. I know that youve probably received one sometime in your life, too. Theyre easy to spot as soon as you open the message: a letter full of misspellings, asterisks and exclamation points; sent from a nameless person promising to give you an incredible deal on a sale.

These types of e-mails almost always end up in the trash folder. Why? Because theyre garbage, and you know it! So, why are you using this garbage to reach your prospects?

Voicemails and e-mails should always be sent personally from a real human being, with the intention of creating a relationship with your prospect. Get to know your prospect so you will understand them and discover their motivation for their interest. When you know why they are interested, you will find out how they will make the decision of whether or nor to buy from you.

Be persistent!

Although all five dealerships reached out to me within the first 24 hours of my inquiry, not one person has followed up with me since then (with the exception of automated e-mail blasts, like I mentioned).

A clear and simple way to separate yourself from the competition is to be pleasantly persistent with your follow-up. You are NOT creating a favorable impression with a prospect if you cant take the time to contact them on a personal level after your first attempt.

When I sent out my initial online inquiries, I was ready to buy a car. I took the first step to contact five different car dealerships in my area. However, the impersonal and ineffective follow-ups of these dealerships have reminded me of why I dont like purchasing a car, and now I am considering keeping my old one.

I didnt make the sales process difficult, the follow-up system of the car dealerships did!

So consider this: is your follow-up system killing your chance of making sales? Do you send messages to your prospects? Are they personal? Are they effective? Remember, the point of the follow-up is to establish a relationship that will eventually lead to a sale. So be personal, be persistent, and be happy youre changing a prospect into a customer!


RSS & How to Use It (part 1)

Have you ever read an article, intended to explain RSS in simple terms that, begins well, but soon descends into confusing jargon or information overload?

If so, take heart, I was in the same place a few months ago.

Often the best way to understand something, is to use it. RSS is no exception.

So rather than try and create a definitive explanation of RSS, this article will tell you how to use it. I guarantee once youve done so, everything will that much clearer.

If a website you visit utilizes RSS, there are a number of ways it will communicate this.

The most common way is to show a little orange button with the letters XML.

Alternatively, you may see words such as "ATOM", "RSS", "Site Feed" or variations on these.

What they have in common is that they will link to a webpage that, in most browsers, looks like gibberish.

It doesnt matter one way or another, what is important is the address of the web page they link to.

To demonstrate, I will relate how to read a site feed for my website, The Nettle Blog. Dont confuse RSS with blogs (web logs). They are two separate concepts. The only reason you see them together so often, is that blogs are the perfect website to take advantage of site feeds. More on that later. Here we go

Click on thislink to go the site feed for The Nettle Blog. Ignore the content in the window, just make a note of the URL in the web address bar. It should read:

Now youve got the web address for the site feed, keep it safe somewhere. Youll need it again in a moment.

The next step is to use an RSS reader to make sense of the site feed. There are lots of these available and if you are a heavy user you would probably want to purchase a nice piece of software.

But to begin with, start with something simple and free. Start with Bloglines.

Go to and create a new account.

From the "My Feeds" section of your account you can add new site feeds you want to keep track of.

Select "ADD", enter the URL you copied and hit "Subscribe". You can preview the results, but skip that stage for now. Select "Subscribe" again and the title of the site feed will be transferred to the left-hand window.

Well done. You have now subscribed to your first RSS feed.

To read it just click on the title and you can view all the messages in that feed within a selected time period. The feed will most likely record news related to the website the feed belongs to.

In this instance, the site feed to The Nettle Blog records each new entry to my blog. If you find something of interest, most entries have a clickable link you can follow.

Anytime you find a website you like with a site feed, make a note of the URL for that site feed and add it to your Bloglines folder.

Now comes the clever bit.

In the left-hand column of your account is an "Extras" list. Select Download Notifier and choose the correct file to download the Bloglines Notifier This file is only 100k so any half-decent connection should complete the download in just a few seconds.

If the download is successful, you should see a small, blue icon with the letter "B". Double-clicking it will short-cut you to Bloglines.

Right-click on the icon and you can adjust the settings. Specify how often you want Bloglines to check messages for you.

When Bloglines checks your site feeds and finds that one or more have been updated, a little chime will play and the Bloglines icon will show a little red marker. This means one of the feeds you have subscribed to has something new to say.

So there you have it. A spam-free, hassle-free way to keep track of websites you have an interest in. Providing of course, that they have a site feed. If they dont, ask them why not.

Part two of this article will show webmaster and ezine publishers how they can easily publish a site feed for their website and track the visitors, free of charge.


Relationships: Five Little Things You Can Do to Cultivate a Peaceful and Happy Home Life

Today's typical couple is busier than ever. Whether you're working overtime, shlepping the kids around, traveling or fulfilling social obligations, life at home can be a chaotic scene. But is this any excuse to let good-old-fashioned manners and consideration go out the window? Of course not. A peaceful and loving home starts by showing respect and courtesy to your spouse and children. Here are five little reminders to keep you on good behavior!

1. Remember your manners.

Kindness and consideration go a long way. Don't interrupt when another family member is speaking. Make please, thank you, may I, and excuse me part of your daily repetoire. Apologize if you've accidentally hurt someone's feelings. Give others the benefit of the doubt.

2. Eat meals together.

Sure, life on the run has everyone grabbing a quick meal when they can, but quality time is the key ingredient to a happy family life. Even if it's just once a week, schedule a day when everyone can sit down together at the table and enjoy a home-cooked dinner and some good conversation.

3. Be a unified parental front.

If Mom and Dad can't agree on what the rules are, let alone enforce them, you can be sure that your kids will have the upper hand and the two of you will be left feeling ineffective and resentful of each other. Lay down the law and present yourselves as a Unified Parental Front!

4. Listen to each other.

Sure, Moms and Dads often know best, but that doesn't mean shutting your mind to what your children have to say. Listen to each other with open hearts and minds, and start your children on the path to positive communication and great relationships.

5. Never go to bed angry.

Sure, disagreements happen from time to time, but there is no better indicator of a secure and loving home than agreeing to put differences aside when the lights go out each night. Explain to your children that even though you and your spouse don't always see eye to eye, it doesn't mean you don't love each other. Same goes for the kids!

Now more than ever before, we must instill solid family values in our children. The best way to teach them to respect others is to show respect for each other in our own homes.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.


NFL Playoffs: Chicago Bears Lost the Defensive Edge

Coming into the matchup between the Panthers and Bears, everybody spoke of the mighty Bears defense. They had an amazing run this season by allowing fewer than double digit points per game at home this season. With a week off and the media attention hyping them up, they lost their defensive edge.

The Bears were definitely rusty and unprepared in this game. They had a week off to heal their wounds and to review video tape but the week off also took away their sharpness on the field. They were so successful defensively because they would be able to swarm to the ball in record time. Yesterday as Smith was running all over them, their ability to swarm to the ball was questionable.

The Panthers also did a great job at picking apart the Bears defense early. The Steelers did much of the same against the Colts by getting to them early. The rustiness of the team off of a bye will not last forever so the Panthers knew to pass the ball early hitting big plays and getting the early touchdown.

The Bears offense looked great this game and for people to question their offense would be a mistake. It is also a mistake for people to blame their defense for this loss because without them, they would not have been in the playoffs.

If anything, blame should be placed on Lovie Smith for not preparing his team for the speed and intensity of a real game. He also made very little defensive adjustments at half time to give his team a chance to win. There was also a very poor game plan heading into the game to defend Steve Smith.


We Should Listen to Mike Tice

Its time that we listen to Minnesota Vikings Head Coach Mike Tice and take him at his word. He asked us early in the season to reserve judgment until the end of the year. He told us that if he failed then it was on his shoulders.When Tice took over as head coach three years ago we were all led to believe that he had all the ingredients necessary to do well.

Mike Tices Vikings arent any better today then they were three years ago. Mike Tice has made the playoffs one time and that was last year. Mike Tice has a combined win/loss record of 31-33.

It seems as though every time Tices team takes a step forward, they take five steps backward.

So we should take Tice at his word. We must listen to him and hold him accountable for his actions. Mike has failed once again and I dont feel that there are any reasons that he should be given another chance.

If Tice had the character and could instill values into his players then I might have a different opinion. His team had off the field scandals from Onterio Smiths Whizzinator incident to the Vikings Boat scandal.Then there was Tices scalping incident. Mike Tice scalped Super Bowl tickets and was caught. The NFL fined him $100,000. Tice blew the incident off and considered it a minor infraction. Very few people are fined as much as $100,000 for a first time offense. Obviously the NFL considered his actions to be serious enough to warrant such a stiff penalty.

Mike Tice says that he shouldnt be held accountable for his players actions. This is nonsense.I dont think that his players respect him. How can he command any respect when he broke an NFL rule?How can he demand that his players respect rules and laws. How can he demand that they conduct themselves in a respectful manner on and off the field?

The answer is that Mike Tice cant command respect and he cant demand that his players follow the rules. There are a number of coaches in the NFL that demand more from their players on and off the field. These coaches wont put up with the type of behavior that was exhibited by Vikings players this year.

Mike Tice also has a big mouth and has been known to yell at fans and call them stupid when he disagrees with their criticism.

I just cant see any logical reason why Mike Tice should keep his job. I do feel that people should do their best to keep their word and when they ask us to judge them based on the results of their actions, we should listen to them.

Mike Tice asked us to judge him based on his success or failure with the Vikings this season. He asked us to wait until the end of the season to judge him.With Sundays loss to the Baltimore Ravens, the Vikings season ended in failure. The Vikings will not be playing in the playoffs.

I hope that Vikings ownership doesnt give him too much credit for his winning streak. That winning streak came against some of the worst teams in the NFL. When his team faced tough opponents they stunk up the field.

Its definitely time for the Vikings to start a new era with a new coach.


Why the 2005 Pittsburgh Steelers are the Best Team in NFL History

I'm 36 and have watched the NFL all season, every season for some 25-26 years. Not an eternity, but long enough to be able to give an accurate summarization of the last 30, of the last 40 super bowls. And the game has changed so much, the first 10 games are in an era where the rules were quite different, and even the season shorter. Believe me, if the Dolphins perfect season had the 2 additional games we have today comprising the 16 game season, it could have changed football history.

My summary of the games and teams I've watched is simply this. Many teams come and go but when it's playoff time, when it's big play time, when excitement is a must, the Pittsburgh Steelers have consistently delivered on more occasions than any other team in the leagues history. They have made at least one Super Bowl appearance in each of the last 4 decades, 3 in the 70's, the 80', 95' and now the new millennium. This makes em great but it doesn't really set them apart from the Cowboys or 49'ers, both of which also own 5 titles. What happened in the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XL is what separates the 2005 Steelers from every other team, every other franchise, every other group of men who have came together to compete in the game of football. While the media was busy stroking Payton Manning's ego and proclaiming that Tom Brady and the Pat's were back on track and ready take it to the house one more time, the Steelers were quietly planning their work, and it wouldn't be long until they worked that plan on every team that stood in their way.

The 2005 Steelers overcame more odds, compounded odds, than any other super bowl victorious team has ever had to face. They barely made it into the playoffs, and could have missed the post season altogether had it not been for a couple of weak teams that lost pivotal games. Yet what eventually decided the division championship between the Steelers and Bengals was a tie breaker, the Bengals had 1 more division win. How can a team involved in a tie breaker to decide the division not make it into the playoffs? It could have easily happened to the Steelers this year. But life came back to the team in the very late stages of the season and they were able to grab the last spot on the caboose. The dark horse was dismissed as "previously beaten" by Cinci, and the tone remained the same as the Steelers rode into Indy and stole the upset victory for a chance to play in the Championship game in Denver. By then the dark horse was getting a little more respect, and Denver was wondering what to expect. Their worst fear was to face a team that was in that zone, the unbeatable zone that propels teams to glory. Unfortunately for them, Denvers gut was right, and the Steelers smashed through Colorado and never looked back, handing the Broncos one of those old fashioned respect getter loses that finally cemented them as not only contenders, but favorites to win the big game over the Seattle Seahawks. And it distinguished the boys in black as the only team to ever advance to the Super Bowl from the lowest possible seed, 6th. The teams quarterback, Big Ben Rothlisberger, was a mere 22 years old but brought a record of 27-4 to the game. Ben also had a promise to deliver on, a promise he had made to Jerome Bettis who was seriously considering hanging up his cleats, after the previous years loss to the Pat's in Pittsburgh. Come back next year and we we'll make it all the way, I promise. Hines ward, Super Bowl XL MVP, made similar promises, and was obviously troubled by the thought of a ringless Bettis ending his career on such a sour note.

To seal the deal the game was being played in Detroit, the town which conceived and gave birth to Bettis, and a town that was certainly waiting with open arms for her son to return in a blaze of glory. And glorious it was, a spectical I will never forget, a story line so perfect, the outcome had to be obvious from the start. A mere 4 hour drive from Pittsburgh, the crowd at the game that day was 90%-10% Pittsburgh fans. Bill Cowher, the 14 year head coach, relief and joy just running down the mans face, deserved that moment, that trophy, his ring, and most importantly his spot in the Hall of Fame. He worked relentlessly to put that team together, to motivate his players, to get to the big game and win it all. He went through the O'Donells, the Kordell's, the whoevers for 14 years before finding the right combination of talent and motivation and when it happened, when the timing was absolutely perfect, when it counted the most, when it was not an option to loose, he propelled his players into the brightest spotlight that they'll ever know. It was the Cinderella story that could never happen in a million years. But because this team was so special, and cared for each another so much, I honestly think they were blessed by the hand of God, from coming back to just barely squeak into the playoffs, from the field goal attempt by Vanderjagt of the Colts, the most accurate kicker in NFL history, which he missed from 46 yards in a pristine dome atmosphere, to the easy win over a 13-3 Broncos team, I feel as if God was answering a prayer from a person that showed him selflessness and love for his friends and team mates, and by doing so made an example of the situation to teach us all a valuable lesson about caring for others. When you care enough, when you try hard, when you make commitments and when you care about others more than yourself, and then go to God in prayer when you are down, he will lift you up and make you victorious over your opponents. If that same person or group of people on the Steelers squad continues pray to God with the same concern and intensity and genuine selflesness, the Pittsburgh Steelers will be unbeatable until that person or group leaves the team. I truly believe this, and don't profess to be a born again Christian, but this stuff works folks. Sincere prayer works if your motivations are pure and it's what has made the 2005 Pittsburgh Steelers the best team in NFL history.


Piranha - Deadly and Delicious

They had it even before we knew what was happening. My rod bowed in prayer to something below the tea-colored waters surface. The six-pound test line danced like a cat on a hot pavement. All hell had broken loose. Beads of sweat rolled down Doris' back. Her clothes were now a second skin, clinging to her every move. We panted for breath. We had fish on. The silvery oval-shaped body and red belly of a Piranha broke the surface. I reached for it. "Don't let a finger get near their mouths or you'll lose it", our native guide barked.

Minutes earlier, I shuddered from a breeze escaping from somewhere up ahead despite 85 degree-plus heat. The double-digit humidity didn't help either. A maddening buzz filled my ears, but thanks my coating of Vick's Vapor Rub, the blood-suckers wouldn't feast on me. My eyes burned. My nose dripped. A coffee-table-sized leaf or hanging branch slapped into me every few steps. Curses burst from my lips even with my best efforts to become as one with the rainforest, as the indian had.

Our fishing rods extended from 18" to five and a half feet. I'd hoped the light mono would suffice, although I'd squirreled away spools of twelve and twenty pound test as an afterthought. If we tagged into a 50-plus pound Tambaqui even that wouldnt be enough. Vines as thick as my wrist dipped into light coffee-colored waters making little ripples as it slid past roots and fallen branches. Tangled growth matted the gentle slope of the bank into tea-with-milk colored wetness. Id flicked a thumbnail-sized chunk of bloody chicken liver on a barb-less hook with a split shot into a dinner plate-sized swirl just beside a snarl of mangrove roots jutting upwards through the surface.

Minutes later, his tanned skin gleaming with moisture, our guide demonstrated the efficiency of the scissor-like teeth. A green leaf held near the gaping mouth instantly sported a neat, crescent-shaped bite. Three heavy blows to the head prepared the killer for cleaning. After cleaning, the Embera made a series of diagonal cuts along each side of the fish. Into these he carefully rubbed a mixture of salt, garlic, and ground roots from a small gourd he carried. A simple shaved branch frame held the fish over a smoky fire of glowing coals. The firm toasted flesh tasted smooth and a bit earthy, like a seasoned and mellowed catfish. With a wink and a sly nod towards Doris he said. Make these heads into soup and you will need many wives. She glanced at me with a puzzled look. I smiled.

The Perfect Killing Machine

The Amazon is filled with danger. Soldier ants march by the millions devouring all life in their path. Submerged up to the eyes, Crocodiles lie in wait for the unwary whatever or whoever that may be. Undulating its 20-foot length beneath the surface, the Anaconda, one of the worlds largest snakes, uses heat-seeking guidance to find its next meal. The barbed stinger in the tail of platter-sized stingrays can inflict a wound that takes months to heal. But none of these carry the fearsome mystique of the voracious Piranha. Ranging through South America from Brazil to the lowlands of Peru, they also inhabit waters in Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. In the Amazon and Rio Negro rivers of Brazil and the Orinoco River in Venezuela, no creature is safe from the Piranhas razor-sharp teeth and powerful jaws. The serrated teeth fit together like scissors, enabling Piranha to cut the flesh from their prey. Like a shark, a Piranhas teeth are replaceable, when one breaks off a new one grows in its place.

The Yagua Indians of Peru often use the sharp edges between the teeth of a Piranha jawbone to sharpen the point of their blowgun darts. A fish that is dying or swimming erratically will be quickly attacked by a large school. Piranha will also attack without warning to defend their eggs and territory. A wounded animal that strays into the water will be stripped to the bone so quickly it seems almost to dance on the surface as its ravaged from beneath. A bird that falls into the water will be gone, feathers and all, in three minutes or less. A trapped fish struggling in a net will be chewed clean to the head in a matter of seconds. Attacks on large animals and humans are often dramatically portrayed, but are rare. In some regions Piranha are known as "donkey castrators".

"They will rend and devour alive any wounded man or beast. U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt said, adding, Piranha are the most ferocious fish in the world." Piranha, also called Caribe or Piraya only furthered their fearsome mystique when Roosevelt encountered them during his exploits in 1914. There are about 35 known species of Piranha but only five species represent a danger to man. Species range from the Red-Belly Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) with its characteristic red belly to the largest of the carnivorous species, the Black Piranha with its demon-red eyes and a 17 and a half inch long dark body weighing up to ten pounds. It could remove a mans hand in two or three bites.

Most species dine on fruit or seeds that fall into the water from overhanging trees. The fish are not always aggressive. Women wash clothes in knee-deep water where men spearfish while children bathe or swim in these same Piranha-infested waters without harm. Further adding to the Piranhas mystique, Indian men with half a dozen wives and up to a score of children attribute their potency to Piranha-head soup, although no scientific justification for the soups potency yet exists.

Fishing for Piranha

Piranhas are usually part of indigenous peoples diet in the areas where the fish are found. All you need to go Piranha fishing are lines with a metal leader next to the hook so the fish doesn't bite through the line, a supply of red, raw meat (worms or cut-up fish will do too) and a bit of luck. Piranha swim in large schools and are attracted by movement and blood. In May of 1999, hundreds of anglers armed with rods, reels, and raw steak flocked to the Brazilian town of Aracatuba near Sao Paolo for a one-Sunday piranha fishing tournament. The townspeople had declared open season on the flesh-eating fish, which had decimated other species in the local river. The prize for the tournament was an outboard motor. But most fishermen were content to go home with plenty of the reputedly aphrodisiac piranha, claimed then town spokesman Nelson Custidio.

Piranha, earning their notorious reputation by reportedly killing 1,200 head of cattle every year in Brazil, is some of the best eating in South America. Whatever name you call them and no matter where you try them, when cooked in a variety of ways, their firm light flesh with its smooth, slightly nutty flavor, is a taste youre sure to enjoy.


Pillow Cleaning for Healthy, Allergen Free Sleep

Do you think it is important for your familys hygiene to regularly clean blankets and sheets, towels, bed and couch covers? Of course!

Pillows also need to be cleaned regularly, at least every six months. Thats because a pillow that hasnt been cleaned recently contains high amounts of sloughed skin, mold and mildew, fungus, dust mites and dust feces. Nobody wants to sleep on that! Lets see how we can effectively clean our pillows, depending on their material, and what tricks we can use to keep them clean longer.

Cotton and down pillows can be cleaned in various ways. You can hand-wash, machine-wash, or dry-clean them. If you choose hand-wash use a mild detergent instead of soap, as soap may leave residues. Wash gently using warm water, in maximum 40c. Rinse well in cold water squeezing the pillow constantly to ensure that there is no residue left.

In machine-wash you should make sure that detergent is completely diluted in water before placing the pillows inside. You can do that by letting the machine run for a few minutes with after adding the detergent and before adding the pillows. Then stop it, squeeze the air out of the pillows and put them inside the washing machine. Set your washer on a gentle wash cycle. An extra rinse would be ideal but if your washing machine doesnt have that button, simply put the pillow through the final rinse cycle once or twice to fully rinse out any residue. Do not use softener in the rinse. Instead choose vinegar to help in the removal of the residue. Very little, two or three drops is enough. Add a tennis ball to keep the down from bunching-up into a corner during the spin cycle. Hit the spin dry feature twice to ensure that most water has been removed.

Synthetic Fiber pillows can also be hand or machine-washed the same way as before. Lower quality fiber pillows may bunch up after cleaning. If that happens, pull out the fibers and redistribute them after drying. In synthetic pillows use the spin dry feature only once, so that the fibers bunch up as little as possible.

Feather pillows can be washed by hand or dry-cleaned. Hand-Wash them exactly as you would with a down pillow but using less detergent. Also keep in mind that feather pillows are harder to get wet because feather tends to repel water. Dont forget to use a little vinegar during the rinsing. Foam pillows can only be hand-washed very gently with mild detergent. Mix water and detergent first, then gently squeeze the soapy water into the pillow by pressing smoothly on the pillow repeatedly. Dont wring or twist them, they are very delicate. Rinse well using vinegar during rinse. Wool pillows should be dry-cleaned because of their material, which makes it very difficult and unsafe for them to be cleaned in any other way.

It is important that before attempting to wash your pillows you should read the care instructions on the package.

Use some of these tricks to keep your pillows clean longer.

Use two pillowcases on your pillows to resist the accumulation of dust and bacteria, sweat, and other body fluids.

Use a pillow protector as an additional barrier against dirt.

Change your pillowcases often as dirt penetrates the fabric and will end up on your pillow.

Now that you know the steps, clean your pillows as often as they need to be, to prolong their life and ensure a healthy sleeping environment, free of skin irritations and allergies for you and your family.


A Superbowl Victory

Most people watched the Superbowl out of shear entertainment, while taking it quite seriously at the same time. It gives their fans a sense of comradary and pride. There's nothing like a football game to unite people. Most of them know the rules inside and out and can make the calls quicker than the announcer. This leaves me asking, if so many people can understand this game, why don't they know God's rule book of plays in their own lives?

If more people would put that amount of time and effort that it takes to memorize all the players' statistics, why then can't they learn the statistics that God has given us for our own good? It's very clear that when we learn the proper plays in life as we go up against the opposing team, we will be more than just conquerors, we will be victorious! Everyone loves to have a victory in their life but do little about it.

As the game started out, the Sea Hawks won the kick off and got their first 3 points. I'm not saying that the Sea Hawks are the enemy, they aren't, but in God's world, we all have a very real enemy called Satan. He opposses us at every play. Once he gets his foot in the door, or his first 3 points, it's almost impossible from keeping him from coming all the way in...unless you know what your game plan will be to keep that from happening. Fortuneatly for the Steelers, they did know what to do.

The thing about the Steelers is, not one player acted any better than anyone else. In fact, they all pulled their weight and then some. They pulled together. When pride enters into our lives, the enemy will use that to beat us down. So through team effort, the Steelers came back with a 7 point touchdown and the game just proceeded from there to the Steelers advantage. The Sea Hawks could not over take them after that. But they tried valiantly, just as Satan will do to us. He will use stronger stradegies and hit harder.

In our Christian lives, we need to know without a doubt how we are going to oppose our enemy from taking the game over. Remember; just keep focused!

First of all, as we are new to this walk this is where we need to get all the practice we can get, we are still rookies. It's these rookies that Satan is waiting to recruit back to his team. If you don't stay strong in your game, you will be traded back to him before you know what happened. As any football player knows, his skills and knowledge comes from alot of time and effort put into it, until they know it inside out. It's no different for Christians who want to be at the top of their game either. Since God's Word can be overwhelming at first, we need to gather together with other Christians regularly to learn and to grow. That is why God gives us our coaches. They spur us on, they make us understand the plays to our advantage. The end result is to realize that all of our training is to honor God. The Steelers wanted to make their city of Pittsburgh proud of them also.

If you are serious about being a team player for God, you have to recognize the authority of Christ as your leader. You have to learn to humble yourself and serve Him by serving others. You can no longer be in the center spot light. But just as Big Ben gets most of the attention, he could not have done that one important play without the help of Heinz Ward. We need Christ to partner with us also in order to make our winning touchdowns! We can't do this game without the help of our Christian team players. God gives us pastors, preachers, teachers to talk with us and give us the rules to His game. If the football players didn't listen to their coaches, they would not be playing pro footabll. We must learn to respect the authority of those He puts in our lives. Our time of study and meditation takes alot of practice in order to get it just right. It doesn't all happen over night, or even in one lifetime. But the most important thing to remember is to keep doing what you're doing. It takes dilegence, patience, time, practice, and endurance. It's not a question of ever giving up. Yes, it's a hard road, but it's worth it in the end. Just ask any of the Steelers. They kept their eyes on the prize and now can say the acheived it! And I can't help but believe that they give all the credit to the Lord for their victory. God honors this.

"For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith. Who is it that is victorious over the world but he who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact)?" 1 Jn.5:4-5 (Amplified)

Life is not all about football, but it does give us a sense of comradery and it also gives us a new insight in which to observe this game. Will you ever watch it the same way now knowing that your own life is based on the same principles?Is your life worth the time and effort of learning the stradegy plays between life and death as much as knowing the rules of a football game? Get determined to make your own touchdowns!

To me, I think football is alot more complicated than learning the True Word of God. At least I know if I make the right moves and do the plays His way, then I am sure to be victorious! I no longer just take it in a passive "whatever" kind of attitude. I am now determined to win!

This reminds me of how passionate people are about their home teams, but where is their passion for Christ? Is it lukewarm? I pray that it isn't because this is what Jesus says about those who are:

"I know your (record of) works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!" Rev. 3:15-16 (Amplified)

What will your scoreboard say when your game is over? Will Christ spit you out or will He embrace you in His loving arms?

To be a winner in God's team is to know you are not a loser!


Internet Profits

Ever thought about jumping into the deep end to start a business? Well I have; and I must say even though the prospects can be amazing, it seems a little out of reach and a bit scary. I couldnt afford the risk and most certainly cant conceive how to get started. Well that was until recently.

I bet most of you at some stage have heard about regular people (like us) making huge financial profits through some kind of internet business and thought to yourself wow, if only I had some internet know how and some business savvy, I bet that I could do something similar. Well the honest truth is YOU CAN!!

I came across this really cool e-book about making money online and I was truly amazed about the content. The most amazing thing about this e-book is that it makes things so clear; the internet is widely used to gather information, we are living in the information age, the best product you could possibly sell on the net would have to be information!

Anybody whos passionate about something potentially has a wealth of knowledge about a niche that someone else is willing to pay for. The key word niche is a term that describes a common interest, a common problem, or even a common desire. A niche market is ultimately a group of people who are already inclined to a certain subject.

So now all you have to do is to come up with some great information for your niche product to sell, your probably not sure whether yours will be good enough to stand out from your competitors and as you may be aware there is a lot of competition to be the best, fortunately there are techniques available to ensure yours will be one of the best and most unique on the market. Id like to talk about a couple of these techniques now. After checking out your competition you might find that they may all offer something unique about their product that is a Unique Selling Proposition (or U.S.P). So if youre selling unique information, customers will only be able to get that information if they buy from you. You can also maximize your U.S.P by having multiple U.S.Ps or perhaps find all your competitors U.S.Ps and combine them into yours and then youll have the mother of all unique selling propositions! Guess wholl want to buy from you? This is a really powerful way to make your product desirable and attractive to potential customers.

If your wondering about how to create these U.S.Ps just visit your competitors and take note of their U.S.Ps, do some homework, come up with ways to improve, and develop those ideas. Try to make yours just that little bit better.

Dont forget this product is yours to keep so continuous improvements can always be made. Your product will become your asset and like all assets they need nurturing and renewing to keep them on top and valuable. The beautiful aspect of an information product is that you can make improvements wherever you are so long it adds value and enhances the content.

These are only a few ways that you can add value to business. Information products can literally sell themselves with the right strategies. Take the first steps toward your business it can be perpetual as well as profitable.

All the best

Dan Greco


League Two Betting Review

Carlisle returned to the top of League Two after thumping basement club Rushden & Diamonds 5-0 at Brunton Park. Derek Holmes put the Cumbrians ahead after 42 seconds and it was one-way traffic thereafter with two goals each from Karl Hawley and Simon Hackney. Paul Simpsons side were 8/15 favourites on the day and 4/1 to win the division outright.

Second placed Wycombe were held to a 1-1 draw at Boston. Julian Joachim gave the home side a 56th minute lead but Kevin Betsy levelled matters 15 minutes later. This was John Gormans sides seventeenth draw of the season, something noted by shrewd punters backing at 9/4.

Veteran Ian Taylors goal nine minutes from time propelled 8/15 Northampton into the third automatic promotion spot with a victory against Torquay United on Friday night.

Fifth placed Leyton Orient kept up their promotion dreams and plunged Chester into further relegation trouble with a 2-0 win. A Matthew Lockwood penalty 10 minutes before the break and Paul Connor after 72 minutes secured a 13/10 win.

Play-off chasing Peterborough chalked up their fourth win in five matches with a 2-1 victory at Notts County. Danny Crow and James Quinn put the 9/5 Posh in the driving seat before Eugene Dadi netted a late penalty for the Magpies.

Wrexham looked set to earn victory at 9/5 after on-loan Blackburn striker gave them a 2-0 lead at Mansfield, only for Richie Barker to hit back with two goals in three minutes to secure a point at Field Mill.

Stockport kept their heads above water after coming from two goals behind to draw 2-2 at Bristol Rovers. Two goals from Richard Walker looked enough for an 8/11 home win, but the Hatters fought back through Adam Le Fondre and a Mark Hughes equaliser two minutes from time.