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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Disco Fever Dance Party

Do you have Disco Dance Fever? If so, you need to celebrate! A Disco theme party can be a great way to celebrate a birthday of any age, honor a retiree or just plain have fun. Costumes and decorations will make this party even more fun and realistic.

Pick a theme for your dance party, whether it be disco, break dancing, rap or country and find coordinating decorations. A party supply store will have every theme for dancing the night away and all the trimmings to make your party a smashing success.

If Disco is your chosen theme, buy, rent or make a disco ball to hang in your party room. Whether it functions or not doesnt really matter, it adds to the ambience of the set. Find old posters of bands and singers from the disco era and hang around the house or room.

You cant have a Disco Dance Party without music! Use a karaoke machine to play only disco songs. Make it a competition for who has the best act. Turn it into an American Idol game and hand out personalized trophies as favorites or plastic records. Using the posters bought, see who can remember the names of the most acts. Winner gets to take an old record home for a prize.

Serve Disco food at your party. Serve things that are all round like the disco ball. Pizza, veggie trays, ham roll ups, cookies, brownies dips can all be made or put into circular dishes. Rename certain foods to give them a 70s flair. Make Bell Bottom Taco Dip or Groovy Potato Salad to serve the hungry dancers.

When serving food, buy all of your paper products from a party supply store. They will have every color and theme of plates, silverware, cups and napkins at your disposal. Have fun dancing.

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How To Live Alone And Love It

Do you live alone? Would you like to know how to make your life happier, more fulfilled, and more purposeful?

People who live alone are often challenged to develop a positive attitude and find those activities, friends, and goals that make their lives meaningful. However, with a shift in attitude, they can find themselves attracting people and events into their lives that they have always wanted.

Some people often feel that they are destined to have lives that are less that satisfying. Many stoically carry their burdens and their unrealized hopes in their hearts, never speaking up or stepping forward to seize the opportunities that are waiting for them. This consciousness does not just happen to those who are can happen to anyone. But when we are alone, we are more vulnerable. It becomes even more important that we look after our best interests.

It is true that there are many circumstances that are beyond our control. However, those circumstances do not have to stop us from discovering the plans, dreams, and ambitions that are meant to be ours.

Here are some ideas and actions that you can implement to give yourself a richer life. Some of these ideas can be acted upon immediately, and some can be a work in progress:

1. Ask yourself everyday, What do I want?

Set some simple goals for just one thing that you want. Make a list of the actions it will take to achieve that goal.

2.Explore your passions.

What do you LOVE to do? What gives you energy, makes you smile to think about, or seems like a dream that could never come true? What did you always want to do but never got around to doing? What would it take for you to move closer to doing one of your passions or finding one of your forgotten dreams?

3.If you had worlds of money and time, what would you do?

Make a list. These are some of the things you need to start doing now.

4.Watch your thoughtsthey lead to your actions.

If you notice your thoughts are negative, replace them with ones that make you feel good. Spend 20 minutes every day thinking of things that make you happy,--places you want to visit, people you want to be with, objects you would like to own. Picture yourself there. FEEL it.

5.Keep your mood and thoughts in a positive place.

Read books that inspire, watch TV that makes you laugh or gives you hope, and be around people that feed your spirit. Weed the rest out. Do not start or end your day watching news filled with tragic stories.

6.Re-define your purpose and vision for your life.

The purpose of your life needs to be very clear. Its who you are and how people identify you. Exercise your creativity to re-invent any part of yourself or your life.

7.Have a career that feeds you enough money for your lifestyle, pride about what you are doing, and excitement for your day.

If you feel at a stand-still in your work and career, brainstorm with people about ideas for a career shift. Dont stop searching until you find something that you feel excitement for.

8.Reach out to people and build a network of support.

If you are having a bad moment in life and doubt your worth or contribution to others, make a list of five friends and call them and ask them to tell you what you mean to them. This is a very powerful exercise. I guarantee you will never forget it.

9.Learn new skills, techniques, crafts.

There is nothing like learning something new that gives a special hopefulness for the future.


You have to take care of your body so your body can take care of you and take you where you want to go. Besidesit gives you energy and is a mood elevator.

11.Meditation and prayer.

They both have a profound affect on mental and physical health.

12.Consider adopting a pet.

Pets give us unconditional love, 24/7.

To live alone and love it, adopt any or all of the above attitudes, strategies, and ideas. Your great life is waiting for you.

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Bremen Clubbing Guide

First of all I have to say that for getting to any reasonable club in Bremen you need at least 25-30 minutes (That is, the time to need to get to Bremen Hauptbahnhof). If you turn right and you go past the Cinemaxx for about 600m you will get to Gleis 9, situated at the old Guterbahnhof. This is mostly a House Club, but it also has Hip-hop and a bit of Latino House. People are pretty select, mostly students and people with an average age of 22-25. It has got one dancing floor, stools, tables and armchairs and you can have a drink even on the top floor. The place is famous for various motto parties (Allegria, Ibiza, etc. when they also have movie projections). Usually, the club gets full between 1 and 2 oclock in the night and dancing starts at about 1 oclock. Entrance costs about 6-8 euros but you usually get a free drink included in the price.

If instead of turning to right at Hauptbahnhof, you go straight and cross the tramlines and you get to Rembertistrasse (the street under the autobahn) you will find the Tower Club (on Herdentorsteinweg). This is a place decorated in a Gothic Style with old walls and little light. It has two floors: downstairs one can also dance and upstairs one can play some table football. As I was told by one of the bodyguards, the music is better upstairs, but theres a dancing floor only downstairs. This is the perfect place for rock (softer, not very hard), alternative, new wave, crossover, and hardcore music genres fans. Sometimes it also has house parties. The place is especially popular among students because on Tuesdays it has Student parties with free entrance and Fosters beer at half price. Even if you are not a gothic fan you might want to drop by if you do not have anything important to do on Wednesday morning and have a chat with some students.

The first club on Rembertistrasse is Rosige Zeiten. This is again a mostly house club, but on some occasions they also have 70s parties. It has got a pretty impressive reddish decoration. Unfortunately in the last years the club has lost its popularity and if you go there before 1:30 you will find very few people. Entrance costs about 5 euros and it is useful to ask how many people are in (because sometimes there are quite many, especially when DJ-s from London come there).

The next club on Rembertistrasse is Neue Welt also known as nine-nine-one (on Fridays). On Fridays the main genre played is trance and other non-commercial techno genres (but not house). The atmosphere is not spectacular and there are not too many people on Fridays. On the other hand, the club seems to be totally different on Saturdays when the music played is varied (mostly charts). The place even seems too crowded and small and the people seem a bit too immature (starting from 14 year old people). Personally, when I was there on a Saturday with Akhil, Azim and Timur we felt that it was not the place for usbut maybe its not like that every Saturday From 3 or 4 oclock in the morning the place reopens for the Morning Beats trance party (Sunday morning, entrance 5 euros). So, if trance is your religion you might want to try this.

Walking further on Rembertistrasse, you will get to Woodys. They put all kinds of music, anything that is in vogue for any taste (less house). The entrance is 3 euros, the average age is 18 (it means there are also people who are 15 and people who are 25) and the drinks are pretty cheap. It has got one floor and nothing too spectacular.

The most famous club on Rembertistrasse is Stubu/Coconut. This is the club about which you will hear most things from the other pioneers. Some of us went there so many times that we are disgusted when we hear the name of the place but we still go thereI dont know why but the place is a magnet. It probably owes its popularity to the fact that it is open all week, entrance is only 3 euros on Friday and Saturday night and free on the other days. You wont believe but there are actually parties everyday there. The student party is on Thursday when the place gets sometimes as full as in the weekends (also because of the happy hour- drinks at price till 10 oclock). It has two floors: Stubu-mixed, charts, techno, German Schlagers and Coconut-hip-hop, RnB. Theres a great variety of people you can meet here: from students to factory workers, all races and different nations.

On the other side of the Hauptbahnhof if you are a trance fan you could go to Schlachthof and if you like house more you might want to try Swutch Club.

Closer to the city center, near the banks of River Weser (on Schlachte Street) there are several good clubs and restaurants with foreign food. One of the good clubs is Rio where they occasionally have Latino parties, like the one called 36 Grad (the place to practice your salsa, merengue, cha-cha-cha, mambo and rumba skills).

On the same street you may find on the Weser a boat where they hold parties: Shark Lounge. It is mostly famous for the student pa:ti-s which take place about once a month. The main genres played are house, UK Garage, Hip-hop, Latin House and some house/RnB mixes. People are also very select, clean and decent. The entrance fee ranges between 5 and 7 euros (might be up to 10 for very, very special occasions). A small advice: Check online if the place is open on the day you want to go there because it is not open every weekend.

The biggest multi-taste disco inside Bremen is Modernes. This is the place for many motto parties (Studio 54, Heartbreakers ball, Robbie Williams Night, etc.). These motto parties are guaranteed to bring more fun because people are dressed up, there are movie projections, games, live stage entertainment. The entrance costs from 4 to 9 euros. The dancing floor is among the biggest I have seen in Bremen, although there are much bigger places outside the city.

There are also two very big clubs in the Sebaldsbrck area, close to the Mercedes-Benz factory but these ones are more specialized. Their names are Aladin and Tivoli and they are right one next to each other. This is a big advantage on special occasions when the walls between them are removed and everything transforms into a huge 4-floor party complex (with a yard where one can breathe some fresh air). During normal weeks (weekends and some working days) Aladin hosts parties for rock, hardcore, alternative, hard rock, heavy metal, punk and related tastes while Tivoli hosts parties for Trance & Techno fans (entrance 10 euros). However, Tivoli does not get full during normal weekends. One can have the best time partying in Bremen at the big Jungle, Old Skool, 2step, Drum n Bass and House events. These happen about once a month or once in two months. This is when the two clubs (each one having two floors) unite giving birth to an impressive complex with floors for all tastes.

Usually at these parties there are about 15 to 20 DJs and 5-6 MCs (famous ones, from Germany and England) and also 2-3 LJs (for all the lasers, vortexes and projections). This is why the entrance price is situated around 20-25 euros (depending on the number of celebrities), but one can get a 3-5 euro rebate if the tickets are bought before the event (Vvk. i.e. Vorverkauf). Even before opening at 10 oclock one can see long cues at the entrance and the place gets full in about one hour. Dreamland and Junglemania are two famous events that take place several times a year. Personally, I have had my best clubbing time at these parties, so if you enjoy the genre you should not miss it! Remember a thing: Good parties dont take place too often! (Thats why it might be a good idea to put some money aside some time before.)

To sum up, I may say that Bremen is not a huge night-life center like Frankfurt, Berlin or Hamburg but still for a busy IUB student trying to forget for a few hours a week about assignments, study and student jobs, there are enough places to acquire new memories and experiences. I am telling you this because after you will graduate you will have less free time than you have now. We will all be preoccupied by career and then family, we will be really mature people and we will be fully responsible for our actions. And then we will ask ourselves: Didnt I miss anything from the beauty of being young and restless? So, my advice would be study hard and learn well but dont forget to chill out a bit because Bremen is not a village after all J!

So, Viel Spass!

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