My Blog

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

In The Crook of My Arms

His head is tilted back, mouth slightly open. His breath is slow and steady and his eyes almost all-closed but slightly open. His neck nestles over the crook of my arm and I stare at his face as he breathed in and breathed out. A feeling of overwhelming love washed over me. I was totally at peace as I watched my son sleep in my arms.

I must say that theres absolutely nothing quite like it at all.

When was it that he got so big? Hes almost too big to fit into my arms as his legs dangled off the edge of my other arm. He speaks almost in adult-fashion now but in child lingo. He has mastered the art of writing and drawing a very funny and individualistic sketch of the sun and a smiley face. He is old enough to tell me that his favorite color is red and favorite number is 4. I know I am his mom but the effects of being a protector, a caregiver; a mom has never failed to astound me.

Sometimes daily needs outweigh the needs of our children. Their need to have us by their sides to kiss the wounds and to heal the tantrums. They need us now what else can be more important than that. They need us to tell them that its OK when others are not nice to them and that they dont have to avenge the bad behavior of others. They need us to tell them that its OK to feel bad when theyve made a mistake and are asked to say sorry for the mistakes. They need us to bring them out in the playground and teach them about nature, about living and about the world. They need us. Period.

There are times that I wonder if I should just give up the working arrangement that I have fiercely fought for for the past 5 years and go back into the rat race. There are weak moments when I wonder if I have done the wrong thing and have pampered them by trying to be an overly positive parent. I wonder too, if my kids are good kids or bad kids. But now I know, theres no such thing as a bad kid; and a good kid is a stroke of luck.

Everything becomes worthwhile when he runs over to me and shouts, Mommy!!! My mommy! and come crashing into me, bumping my nose and cracking my lips with his forehead. He buries his head into my shoulder and I bury mine into his. We stay in that position for a full minute before we peel apart and start planting wet kisses all over each others faces. We dont care about germs, do we? I just want to kiss him until the day I die just kiss him senseless and no one can tell me that I cant kiss my own baby that way.

But till when will this luxury last? Our kids are borrowed treasure for we know they wont remain babies for very long. My babies wont need me for very long now. Soon, theyll be old enough to prefer their friends to me. Soon enough, theyll want to go out with their friends and wont want me to tag along. Soon enough, theyll only speak to me when they want my car or want me to pay their cell phone or Internet bills for them. Soon enough, theyll have a life of their own and mine is kicked aside.

So, for now, I treasure this 3-year-old baby in my arms, lying so soundlessly sleeping in the crook of my arms. He fits just perfect right now.

How I wish he would fit into my arms like that for the rest of my life.and his. But I know he wont. And thats one BIG, FAT reason to treasure the moments now.

Agloco Scam

Sports Betting Rules

Betting is done through Sportsbooks (US) or Bookmakers (UK) entities that accept bets. You can bet on the outcome of several sporting events, such as; Baseball betting, Basketball betting, Football betting, Tennis betting, Hockey betting, Snooker and Soccer betting games.

To place a sport bet, you go to a Sportsbook, physical or online. You could also bet over the phone with many sportsbooks. Note that a sports book or sportsbook is not the same as an oddsmaker. The sportsbook simply accepts sports bets. An oddsmaker is a person who sets the sports betting odds.

You need to state what you are betting on by making a selection, the type of bet and the amount you are wagering. Your selection will obviously depend on the odds offered, so you will want to examine the range of odds available before you make a decision. There are many types of bets you can place. Some sportsbooks may offer more betting varieties and combinations than others. Below is a list of the more common types of bets.

Straight bet or Single.

This is the simplest and most common bet. You bet on a winner at given odds.

Point Spread.

This bet lets you bet on a winner from two selections who have been made equal by allocating appropriate points to the underdog team. The Point Spread is the number of points allocated and is shown with a + sign for the favorite and a - sign for the underdog. The favorite has to win by more than the Point Spread for you to win; otherwise you lose your bet even if the team wins. Inversely, if you bet for the underdog, that team has to lose by less than the Point Spread for you to win. If the favorite wins by the exact Point Spread, then it is a push or a tie. You get your bet back. To eliminate a tie result, the oddsmakers sometimes include a half point spread. Since scores use full numbers only, one team has to win outright.

Buy Points.

Also, to buy Key Points. Move the Point Spread favorably at a price.

The Money line.

This establishes the odds for each team but inversely proportional to what would have been a Point Spread, and is indicated by a + for the underdog and a - sign for the favorite. Say team A is favorite and quoted at -180 and B is the underdog at + 120. The bets offered would be 10:18 odds-on for the favorite, and 12:10 for the underdog. For every $180 you bet on A you would win $100 or lose $180, but for every $100 you bet on B you would win $120 or lose $100.


A bet for the number of points scored in the game by both teams combined, including points scored in overtime.


A bet that the combined number of points scored by the two teams in the game will be Over or Under the total set by the oddsmaker.

Parlay or Accumulator.

A multiple bet. A kind of 'let-it-ride' bet. Making simultaneous selections on two or more games with the intent of pressing the winnings of the first win on the bet of the following game selected, and so on. All the selections made must win for you to win the parlay. If a game is a tie, postponed or cancelled, your parlay is automatically reduced by one selection; a double parlay becomes a straight bet, a triple parlay becomes a double. A parlay bet can yield huge dividends if won.


It is like a parlay, but with the option to add or subtract points (called 'moving the line') from one or more Spread bets. When betting a teaser additional points are either added to the underdog or subtracted from the favorite. The odds vary according to the number of points the spread is moved and the number of teams combined to form the teaser. As in the parlay, all selections must win for the teaser to win. Teasers odds are usually worse than the parlays.


A bet that allows the bettor to make a second wager, up to an equal amount, pending a win on the first selection.

Open Wager.

Open wagers allow the bettor to play teasers or parlays making a selection at different times and even different days.


A bet on a future event. At the start of each season, the sportsbooks give out odds for teams to win a certain championship. The odds change as the game date approaches and in most cases get shorter, but if you win you get paid at the original odds that you took. This is possibly one of the most profitable bets if you have considerable knowledge of the sport that you are betting on including the players, and a good sense of judgment.

Exotic Bets.

Betting on unusual events. Some sportsbooks post odds and take bets on a wide variety of other sports related events and activities. A few others will take bets on just about anything you can think of. Proposition Bet or Prop Bet.An offer of bets at odds and conditions chosen by the sportsbook, usually on 'Exotic' bets.

Agloco Scam